The Netflix Curse

One thing I have realized in the past few weeks is that I get distracted really easily. And I’m super lazy. But I kinda always knew that I was lazy, so that’s not really surprising. Every morning I wake up and think, “Today, I am going to post on my blog.” Then I proceed to do my morning routine: Bathroom, measurements (Blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, oxygen saturation, weight, blood glucose), medicine, and breakfast. Usually when I eat, I’ll watch Netflix. We all know what happens when you start watching Netflix. It is impossible to stop. I blame Netflix and not my lack of will-power. They only give you about 10 seconds after finishing an episode to decide whether or not to be a productive human being for the day. 10 seconds! That’s how long it takes to make a S’more in the microwave. Let’s all be honest with ourselves and admit that 10 seconds is not enough time to gather up the energy/motivation/will-power required to exit out of Netflix.

So on top of all my clinic and pulmonary rehab appointments, I am burdened with the curse of having a Netflix account. This is the reason that I forget to post until I am laying in bed at night. At that point, I vow that I will post the next day. And thus, the cycle begins again. 

But today, the cycle was broken! Huzzah!! We must celebrate every little victory (especially the fact that I have yet to watch Netflix today, although that’s probably what I’m going to do after this. Shhhh. Don’t tell my dad. He wants me to be “productive”. Whatever that means).

We’ve got some big things going on right now! As you know, we are selling “I know a warrior” T-shirts that you can get online at our website ( or by contacting me, my mom, Sheena, my dad, or anyone else who might have access to the shirts. They are $20 and the proceeds go to our trust. We will also be selling the shirts at the Work Out of the Day CrossFit Event on March 15th. If you don’t know about that, you can find the details here: You should go because I’m also planning on selling cupcakes (homemade by yours truly). You know, unhealthy stuff at a healthy event. Makes sense. One of my closest family friends Gretchen (she’s like a second mom to me) is also doing a little fundraiser that raises money for me and my sister. She is selling heart necklaces that say “With Every Breath” for $20 that can be purchased through my church, St. Peter’s Episcopal in Lake Mary. I would also like to thank Oasis Charter Elementary School in Cape Coral for raising about $600 for my sister and I and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 


And now, for some pictures:



I think this was one of my first nights at Nemours. I look cute. Especially with that tracking device on my wrist. You know, in case I wander off or try to escape. 


This one is at Nemours too. 



This was December 11, around midnight. I’m in an ambulance (fun times) on my way to Florida Hospital. This was the beginning of the Lung Transplant journey. 


First day at Florida Hospital (December 12). This is my baby cousin Boston. Isn’t she adorable? Supposedly, this is one of the few times I was awake and smiling. She kept pulling at my tubes and stuff and the nurse kept scolding her moms for putting her on the bed. So whenever the nurse would walk by someone would quickly scoop her off the bed. Not that I remember this. This is just what I’ve heard. I don’t remember much from before the transplant. Just little random things.


P.S. My dad is trying to look up “The Following” on the DVR right now. He is having some trouble though. It has been like 15 minutes. He gets really close, and then somehow exits out of it and has to start over. It’s kind of entertaining.

Me: “Do you need help?”

Him: “NO. I stumble my way through life.”

Me. “Alright…