Happy Blogiversary!

Today is the day, exactly one year ago, that I decided to make a blog about my life with Cystic Fibrosis. I didn’t realize at the time how important this decision would be in the coming weeks and months.

Over the past year, I have learned so much through this blog. I’ve learned how therapeutic writing is. I’ve learned how important it is to tell your story and not have others tell it for you. I’ve learned that the online CF community is the bomb dot com. I’ve learned that there are so many people in the world are kind, caring, and compassionate, even if they are strangers. I’ve learned what I want to do with my life. Finally, I’ve learned how lucky I am to have people who support me in everything I do.

I would like to thank all of you for hanging out online with me for the past year. It certainly has been a crazy one, and I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate that you all take the time out of your lives to see what I’ve written. I know I don’t write as often as I used to, but I honestly don’t want to waste time and words with trivial matters of my life. Since the transplant, my life is strangely normal, which is something I am definitely not used to.

Again, thank you for your support this past year and remember that I love you!

Happy Blogiversary!