Up in the Air

One of the worst things about hospital stays is the unknowing. You don’t know when you’re going to get out. It’s all just tentative. There are so many factors that it depends on. And some factors depend on others. It’s like those “Choose Your Path” books. “To fight the troll, go to page 15. To go back to the crossroads, go to page 10. To curl up in the fetal position and just cry, go to page 50.” Stetson has called me like 3 times asking if I know when I’m returning. I’m all “I don’t know.”, and I hear them kind of sigh and say “Okay. Hope you feel better”. I’m glad they care and everything, but seriously. Stop calling every couple days, especially when I told you I’d be gone at least 2 weeks.

Anywho… the doctors want us to transfer to Shands to start the evaluation. They are trying to speed up the process of the transplant because they think we are really good candidates. It’s actually kind of ironic. You have to be sick enough to qualify for new lungs, but not too sick that your body won’t be able to handle the surgery. Its this little, tiny, itsy-bitsy range that we happened to fall into. So they want to expedite the process so we don’t fall out of this range. Ideally, they want us to go to Gainesville by this weekend. But they are still waiting on final word from Shands. They say we will know for sure by tomorrow, but they’ve said things like that before. So right now we don’t know if we will be going to Gainesville. But the doctor still thinks that we will not be officially “free” for a week. So we transfer to Gainesville and they evaluate us through to next week, or we don’t go to Gainesville and are in here through to next week. Fun times.

Good news though! My pneumothoraces are gone! X-ray from yesterday showed that they have basically disappeared. Holding off on chest therapies for a couple more days just to play it safe, but its a good sign. 😀

Oh, and school is completely up in the air right now. That is a topic for a whole other blog post and I will explain when I know some more details and get some questions answered. It’s like a cliff hanger. 😉